Mentor Church:  Constitution & By-Laws


Constitution Of Mentor Baptist Church
(A Kentucky Non-profit Religious Corporation)
January 18th, 2015

Article I:  Name and Principle Office
The name of this Corporation is Mentor Baptist Church d/b/a Mentor Church.  This Corporation will be further referred to in the Bylaws as the “Church”.  The Church office is presently located at 3724 Smith Rd. in the city limits of Mentor, Kentucky.  The Church shall have full power and authority to change the principle office from one location to another.

Article II:  Purpose
The purpose of this Church is to glorify God by obeying the Great Commandment (Matthew 22: 36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 18-20).  It is designed to produce disciples of Jesus Christ which include the five reasons for Christ’s calling and commissioning the Church.  These will be the driving force behind all that we do.
  1. Worship – (Celebrating) “ God with all your heart...” (Matthew 22: 37)
  2. Ministry – (Caring) “ your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22: 39)
  3. Evangelism – (Communicating) “...go and make disciples...” (Matthew 28: 19)
  4. Fellowship – (Cooperating) “...baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28: 19)
  5. Discipleship – (Cultivating) “...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded...” (Matthew 28: 20)
Article III:  Statement of Faith
We affirm the Holy Bible as the infallible Word of God and as the only basis for our beliefs.  The Church accepts the 2000 “Baptist Faith and Message,” an affirmation of basic Christian beliefs as a general statement of our faith.  The 2000 “Baptist Faith and Message” will be made available upon request.

Article IV:  Affiliation
This Church is autonomous and maintains the right to govern its own affairs, independent of any denominational control.  Recognizing, however, the benefits of cooperation with other churches, this Church voluntarily affiliates with the Southern Baptist Convention in its national, state and local levels.

Article V: Membership
Section I: General
Membership in this Church shall consist of all persons who have met the requirements for membership, been approved by the congregation and are listed on the membership role.
Section II: Qualifications for Membership

  1. A personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ.
  2. Baptism by immersion as a testimony of salvation.
  3. Completion of the Church’s membership class and it’s requirements.
  4. Agreement with the Church’s statement of faith.
Section III:  Designation of Membership
In an effort to properly reflect the membership of the Church the following membership role will be retained:
Active/Resident Members:  All members who reside within the Church’s ministry area or are currently active in the church.

Section IV: Rights of Membership
Every active/resident member shall have the right to participate in the following matters:
 - The annual budget of the Church
 - The disposition of all or substantially assets (ex: building) greater than $10K
 - The merger or dissolution of the Church
 - Acquisition of property greater than $10K
 - Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Church
 - The business of the church as defined in the By-Laws

Section V: Termination of Membership

Members shall be removed from the Church roll for any of the following reasons:
  1. Death
  2. Transfer of membership to another church
  3. By personal request of the member
  4. Dismissal by membership according to the following conditions:
The member’s life and conduct are not in accordance with the Statement of Faith and Membership covenant  in such a way that the member hinders the ministry influence of the Church in the community.
Procedures for dismissal of a member shall be according to Matthew 18: 15 – 17.
 5.   In-active members will be removed annually as defined in the By-Laws

Section VI: Voting Limitations
Each member, 18 and over, is entitled to one vote.  Voting by proxy is prohibited.
Articles VI:  Church Officers
(Directors of the Corporation)
Section I:
The officers of the Church will consist of a minimum of three persons.  The lay officers will be appointed by the Pastor and approved by the Church annually and will serve for a period of one year.  Each officer must be an active/resident member of the Church.
Section II:
  1. The Senior Pastor will serve as the President of the Corporation and will be the moderator of the Church.  He will lead the staff and have the responsibility to hire and dismiss staff as needed.  In the Pastors absence a director of the corporation can act as moderator or the Church can approve a moderator to serve by majority vote.
  2. The Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation will oversee and cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct books and records of accounts of the corporation.  He shall also oversee the reception and disbursement of funds.
  3. The Church Clerk will serve as the Secretary of the Corporation.
  4. Other trustee officers shall be appointed by the pastor and approved by the church as needed.
Section III:
The officers of the Church are hereby designated as the Directors of the Corporation as the term is defined and used in the Kentucky Nonprofit Corporation Code.
If used as the guide to follow in carrying out the work of the church, a Church Constitution and By-Laws document helps a church preserve democratic procedures.
The basic advantages of the Constitution and By-Laws are that they:
Furnish members a written statement of their church organization, Fundamental guidelines, and Theological belief.
Aid in preserving democracy and harmony since predetermined guidelines have already been established by members.
Provide orderly procedures for  guiding the transaction of church business.
Serve as a basis for solving problems before the problems arise.
Date Adopted:  January 18th, 2015
Dates of Amendments or Revisions:


MENTOR BAPTIST CHURCH  (A Kentucky Non-profit Religious Corporation)
Date of adoption:  1972
Dates of Amendments or Revisions:
October 12th, 1977
October 8th, 1986
June 7th, 1987
October 1988
January 1993
July 19th, 2009
January 18th, 2015
August 2nd, 2015
December 3, 2017

 Article I:  Meetings: 
Section 1. Worship
The church will conduct regular services on Sunday morning and other days throughout the week as needed to obediently advance the Gospel.

Section 2. Business Meetings
1.  The Senior Pastor will serve as Moderator and in the absence of the Pastor; the Pastor will appoint one of the Elders.
2.  The meeting shall be conducted using the Robert’s Rules of Order, revised is the authority for parliamentary rules of procedure for all business meetings of the church.
3.  An annual meeting of the Church shall be held prior to the beginning of the calendar year. The primary purpose of the meeting is to receive and adopt the annual report and Church budget.
4.  The Church may change the dates of the annual or other scheduled meetings by notifying the members at least 7 days in advance.
5.  A special business meeting of the Church may be called at any time by (a) the Pastor, (b) or in the absence of the Pastor by a majority agreement of the Elders.
6.  Notification of members for business meetings shall be given by all the following methods at least 7 days in advance:
a.  Distribution of written material to the congregation in attendance at a Sunday Morning service
b.  Announcement of the meeting in the bulletin or the Church newsletter
c.  Oral announcement to the congregation at a Sunday Morning service
7.  A quorum (minimum of 18) shall consist of those members present and voting.
8.  Affirmative vote of 2/3 voting members present.
Article II:  Committees
The church shall use any and all committees that are needed to carry out the work of the church.  
The Committees listed below require a vote by the church to change or dissolve.  Smaller committees (i.e. Baptism, Bereavement, etc) fall under the discretion of the Church Council.
A)         The Finance Committee will consist of:
  • Senior Pastor
  • Two Trustees
  • Three Members at Large
  • Financial Secretary
  • Treasurer
Annually, the Finance Committee will elect their chairperson, who will serve as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), from the list above, except for the Senior Pastor.
B)   The Finance Committee will meet and prepare the church budget for the coming year and present it before December 31st of the current year.
C) The Finance Committee will review the giving compared to the budget quarterly and make proper recommendations to the church.
D) The Finance Committee will supervise the work and duties of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary.  

Section 1. General Fund
Tithe contributions shall be part of the general fund.
Section 2. Donor-Designated/Restricted Funds
All donor-designated contributions shall be held as restricted funds and expended only according to the designation of the donor for one full year.  If the funds are not designated after one year, these funds become part of the General Fund (except for Youth and Children’s line items).
Section 3. Other Offerings and Fund Raising
Ministries of the church may receive offerings and raise funds as authorized by the finance committee. Monies shall not be solicited or collected from members by a member of the church for any cause without the consent of the finance committee.
Revised 12/1/2019
Section 4. Handling of Offerings and Receipts
A. Offerings shall be counted by at least two, Finance Committee individuals, not related by blood or marriage, before the funds are removed from the church facility. An offering-receipts report shall be signed by those counting the offering and submitted to the treasurer.
B. Written receipts shall be issued to donors, at the end of each fiscal year, for tithes, offerings, and other monetary contributions.
IRS rules must be followed for acknowledgment of all cash and non-cash gifts.
C. Funds shall be deposited within 24 hours of receipt or as soon as possible thereafter by a member of the Finance committee.
Section 5. Disbursements
Disbursement of funds shall be under the supervision of the senior pastor and Finance Committee. Checks shall require an approved signature. Signatory’s authority shall include treasurer, and other officers or members of the finance committee. Checks shall not be pre-signed nor affixed with a 
stamped signature.
Section 6. Investments
The church shall not invest its funds in non-governmentally regulated investments or in a business in which a pastor, member of the finance committee, officer, or employee has a personal interest. The church may raise revenues through fund raising activities and contributions consistent with the nonprofit laws of the state and Internal Revenue Code as it applies to 501(c)(3) corporations.
Section 7. Contracts
The governing board may, by a majority vote and as documented in official minutes, authorize officers to enter into contracts or execute and deliver instruments, consistent with these bylaws, in the name of and on behalf of the church. Such authority may be general or restricted to specific instances.
Section 8. Indebtedness
The senior pastor and governing board shall not incur indebtedness above $10,000.00 without approval by a majority of active members in good standing at a regular or special business meeting.  This excludes bills that are needed to run the church (ex.  Insurance, water, propane, electric, etc)
Section 9. Fiscal Year
The church fiscal year shall be January 1 through December 31.
Section 10. Audit Review
The church shall conduct an internal financial review annually.
Section 11. Other positions supported
The church may choose to maintain additional positions that support the work of the church and the Finance Committee.  The roles can include, but not limited to Treasurer, Church Clerk and Financial Secretary.
The Finance Committee will make recommendations to the Senior Pastor to fill roles that include, but are not limited to Treasurer, Church Clerk and Financial Secretary.

To lead the congregation in stating its mission and serve as a roadmap for ministries.    They will participate in long-range planning, to set goals and priorities, and to evaluate its activities in light of its mission and goals.
The strategic plan for discipleship through the congregation serves as a road map for mission and ministry. The council shall identify ways in which we Connect to God, each other and to the world.
The Church Council will coordinate all the activities and maintain the master calendar of the Church to ensure there is no overlap.  
The council should meet monthly to modify, promote and publicize the work of the church.
The council shall meet prior to the beginning of the calendar year to nominate a Chairperson and a recording secretary for the upcoming year.  This shall not be the senior or associate pastor.  The Chairperson is responsible for communicating
The Church Council shall consist of:
  • Senior Pastor
  • Youth Pastor
  • Children’s Pastor
  • Chair of the Deacons
  • Chair of the Trustees
  • Chair of the Finance Committee
  • Chair of the Missions group
  • Chair of Communications
  • Chair of Outreach
  • Chair of Kitchen
  • 2 Members at large (One to serve a one year term and the other to serve a two year term) **
  • This Church council will oversee ministries such as, but not limited to:(e.g Baptisms, Trustees, Bereavement and Lords Supper)
Members at large will be elected at the end of their term, voted on by the Church at a Business Meeting.  
Committees that have members at large ensure that:
  • The Members at Large roll off the committee when their term is up
  • New Members at Large are identified and brought to the Business meeting for vote.

Article III:  Calling of Pastor, Deacons and Elders
  • A pastor shall be chosen and called by the church whenever a vacancy occurs.
  • The Elders and Church Council shall seek out a suitable candidate and its recommendations will constitute a nomination.
  • After a nomination is made, the nominee should preach one trial sermon before the special called business meeting.
  • The election will take place at a special called business meeting. 
  • The election shall be by secret ballot and affirmative vote of three fourths of those present being necessary for a call.
  • When a call is extended to a new pastor he will be given in writing the negotiated compensation package (benefits, healthcare, salary, etc)
  • The number of deacons shall be determined by the size of the church and the candidate fits the scriptural qualifications as listed in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.  
  • There should be a minimum of five (5) deacons.
  • The deacon candidate must be a member of Mentor Baptist Church for at least one (1) year.
  • The deacon body will select a Chairperson annually.  
  • An active member of the church can nominate deacons.  The nomination should be kept confidential and submitted to the Senior Pastor.
  • The Senior pastor will meet with the Elders and the Deacons to determine the candidates eligibility.
  • Eligible candidates shall be voted on in a business meeting. 
  • The vote of the nominee shall be done by secret ballot by affirmative vote of 2/3 the voting body. 
  • The Pastor, Elders and Deacons can make new Elder recommendations from the active Deacon pool. 
  • The election shall be by secret ballot and affirmative vote of three fourths of those present being necessary for a call.
  • Elders will not be discouraged from participating on other committees; however, they cannot serve on Church council.
Article IV:  Amendments
The By-Laws may be amended by a vote of the two-thirds of the members present and voting at a church business meeting, provided the amendment has been offered in writing 7 days prior to the meeting.
The Church Council will review the By-Laws yearly and present any changes to the church for its consideration.